Let's get to know each other
For their trust, many thanks to
Advice : Accenture, Cap Gemini. Distribution / Products : Carrefour, Catlante, Danone, Darty, Easy Voyages, L’Oreal, Le Bon Marché , Look Voyages, Make Up in Paris, Mattel, Mobilier International, Optic 2000, Printemps, Takasago. Event : Comsquare, Congrès et Expositions de Bordeaux, CWT, GL Events, Infopromotions, LPST, Plateforme, Polynome, Reed Expo, Républik Group. Finance : BlackRock, BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Euroclear, Santander, Société Générale, State Street. Industry : Atos, Bouygues, Case, EDF, IX Blue, Konica Minolta, Maïa, Saint-Gobain, Siemens, Sonepar, Suez, Tarkett, Total, Vallourec, Veolia. Institutions : ADEME, ANRT, ATF, BNF, Cfe-Cgc, Conseil Régional 91, Conseil Régional 93, Eco-Emballages, Fabrique de l’Industrie, Fondation C Génial, France Horlogerie, Mairie de Paris, Nantes Métropole, Prolea, Universcience. Media : AEF, Arcaneo, Canal Sat, France 3, Groupe AB, L’Étudiant, Luxe TV, Mondadori, Prisma Presse, RTL2, TF1, TV5, Warner. Health : Aelia, Astra Zeneca, GM Santé, Ici Pharma, Ipsen, Novartis, Sanofi. Services : Cegos, Era Immobilier, Espace 4, La Poste, Paris Attitude. Technologies : Apple, Cegetel, Cegid, Cisco, Ericsson, IBM, Microsoft, Nortell Networks, Orange, Philips, Samsung, SAP, Worldcom. Transports : Aéroports de Paris, Alstom, Delphi, Porsche, Volkswagen, Wurth, …
… and you ?
Conference – Seminar – Round table – Convention – Team Building TV set – Webinar Report – Interview
My strengths
- Great experience in presential, digital event and video - Bilingual French/English - Coaching of the speakers.
- 10 years of TV animation, for Canal Sat group and AB group, more than 300 events in all sectors and all formats.
- Themes with wide experience : innovation, industry, HR, media, management, training, travel & mobility, work spaces, distribution.
Creativity session – Ideation workshop – Hackathon – Kick off
Experience in the field of innovation
Holder of 2 patents, a dozen trademarks and models.
3 commercialized inventions:
Theoretical and practical knowledge
Methods : Scrum – Lean management – 5 S – 6 Sigma – 6 Hats – Kanseï
Tools : Klaxoon – Mind mapping – Empathic map – Analogy – Trend book
Speaking – Media training
Naturally, I wanted to pass on the best of what I learned during my acting training, my TV experience
and numerous events.
Methodology developed through practice, theater exercises, text library.
Customized group or individual programs.
Qualiopi referencing in progress.

Theme: What can we learn by educating machines?
Back to school 2021 – The first “Corporate Stand Up“
Keywords : #organization #digital #intelligence #memory #energy #interactivity
A conference in fun mode with many media: photos, videos, music.
Download the flyer in PDF
Added value
Conviviality and benevolence curiosity
Quest for excellence
Positive spirit
Nature, communing with the elements
The arts, from the first to the seventh
Travel, from next door to the end of the world
The simple things, it rests
Family and friends, my strongest emotions
Who else do you know as an animator-inventor?
I wanted to thank you again, for your advice, your availability, your contacts and for your performance on Tuesday. The client asked us to thank you on behalf of the entire Danone team. She particularly insisted on the fact that you made yourself available to each of the speakers and that played an essential role in their preparation and serenity on the day of the Live.M.C - CWT Agency - International Seminar in English
On behalf of Atos and Siemens, I wanted to thank you for your professionalism during the first edition of the Digital Industry Summit.G.F - Digital Industry Summit - Palais Brongniart
The workshops went extremely well and the film was very much appreciated. I hope we will have the opportunity to work together again for another series!.C - Optic 2000 - Convention on Customer Relations.
I particularly appreciated Jacques' moderation during this interview. He was full of enthusiasm and sincere empathy, both during the preparation of this interview but also live and that helped me a lot.E.B - International School of Luxury Marketing - Live Interview
I have nothing but compliments to give you in return, whether it is on our side as organizers or on the side of the participants: a big thank you!P.B - National Association for Research and Technology - Connected Health Convention
I got a feedback from M.F of the Conseil Général 91. In one word, they found you great ! ! Invested, involved, perfect. "M.B - Platform Agency - Innovation Day - Conseil Général du 91